FASEB CARES Awards: Easing Family Care Burdens

Easing Caregiving Barriers

Family caregiving responsibilities impact careers differently.

FASEB CARES (Career Advancement and Research Excellence Support), a component of FASEB's Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) initiative, provides financial support to alleviate burdens associated with caregiving—enabling researchers at FASEB member societies to continue their scientific training, professional development, and career progression.



CARES covers the cost of current and future professional goals, including but not limited to protected time for research, conferences and workshops, and certification programs.

Recipients are awarded $5,000 based on their need and are limited to one application per application cycle. View past recipients.


Primary caregivers who are members in good standing in at least one of FASEB's Full Member Societies are eligible to apply.


Application cycle for 2024 is closed. 


For questions about CARES, view our FAQ or email us.  

Meet the 2024 CARES Recipients